Brian Rance was born in Hertsfordshire, England, and educated at Cornerhall School. He studied at Yorkshire and Watford Colleges before going to work as visualizer with a London newspaper.
One day while driving by a site in Portman Square, he noticed that they were building The Churchill London's finest hotel.Brian mustered his courage and approached the projects manager about producing some paintings for this august establishment. He was invited to submit specimens of his work and prices for consideration. Brian's work was accepted. He received the commission at only 23 years old and promptly gave up his secure job to become a full time artist.
Mr. Rance confesses that he knew little or nothing about the sport of Falconry(which was the subject chosen for the commission) so he studied feverishly at a London Museum. The thoroughness of his research is very apparent, in his paintings which still grace the main dining room of the Churchill and have been admired by multitudes.
Commissions from other hotels followed in rapid succession- The London International houses a huge wall and ceiling mural; The Cambridgeshire, The London Metropol and New Berkley decorated in the French style of Louis XIV, were but a few of the many who sought the services of this young and brilliant artist who by this time occupied a studio in Redbourn.
In 1974, he made his first trip to the United States to do a series of paintings for the Lowes hotels of New York. Enchanted with the vastness and beauty of the new world, he traveled every state by bus, painting as he went, and talking to people in every walk of life.
Not satisfied with this, he traveled the "States" by foot, painting the landscapes and people as he went.
In 1978, he traveled through Central and South American countries by bus and foot. Rance says "You can only appreciate how people live and work if you are on foot and mingling with them, doing as they do, enjoying their surroundings and their music. He traveled the Amazon from its source Peru and met individuals that had never seen white men. Later in 1978 he made his studio in Missouri Ozarks where he worked largely on decorative art. He is in demand country and nation wide.
Mr. Rance is currently working out of his new studio TOWER HOUSE STUDIO" located in Galena, Missouri just thirty miles outside of Branson, where he has made countless of beautiful backdrops, scenery pieces, and props for over twenty national and international touring shows. The Promise, Beauty and The Beast, and Celebrate America are just a few of the shows that carry Mr. Rances masterpieces.